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Privacy Statement

The Chinese Women's Club of Luxembourg (hereafter "CWCL") is committed to protecting the privacy of our members and securing the personal data that we maintain on our members. 


In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, as a member, your personal information is not shared externally or within our organisation for any purpose not communicated to and agreed by you. It is also not published in a hard copy directory for distribution. The information that you provided upon joining, and may have updated since that time, is password protected and only accessible by the assigned officer of the CWCL. The information is maintained in a protected manner for the full duration of an individual's membership. The personal data may include name, address, telephone number and email, and is used for internal communication.


By applying to become a member, you agree explicitly to allow CWCL to use the your photos taken during events organised by the CWCL for the purpose of communication and activity promotion on its website, in related CWCL WeChat groups and other marketing material (printed or digital). If you do not wish to allow such use of your photos, please inform the event organiser via email​ before hand. 


As a member, you always have the right to know how your information is being used, to update your information, or withdraw any information. These requests should be submitted to the CWCL via email.


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